Kotodama of Scent

You are invited to an inspiring and heartfelt event—the launch of my long-awaited book, Kotodama of Scent.

Embark on a captivating journey where words and scent intertwine. Kotodama of Scent explores 28 exquisite Japanese words, each evoking beauty, resilience, tranquillity, and mindfulness. These carefully selected words, designed to uplift the soul and guide us towards flourishing, are paired with an essential oil that embodies their profound meaning.

My aspiration in writing this book was to forge a subtle connection between scent and the nurturing kotodama of words, enriching personal growth and well-being. It is also a way to share my deep love and passion for Japan—a spiritually rich culture that nourishes the soul, cultivates awe and reverence for life and nature, and finds joy in simplicity.



  • Date: Sunday, May 18th
  • Time: 9:30 am registration for a 10:00 am start, concluding at 12:30 pm
  • Location: Perfect Potion Banyo
  • Investment: $49.95 (includes a copy of Kotodama of Scent)
  • What to bring: Pen and paper (optional). Morning tea and light refreshments will be provided.


  • Date: Thursday, May 22nd
  • Time: 6.00pm to 7.30pm
  • Location: Perfect Potion QVB
  • Investment: $49.95 (includes a copy of Kotodama of Scent)


  • Date: Friday, May 23rd
  • Time: 6.00pm to 7.30pm
  • Location: Perfect Potion, Little Collins Street
  • Investment: $49.95 (includes a copy of Kotodama of Scent)

For our Brisbane launch, we are honoured to welcome special guests from Japan:

  • Chief Buddhist Priest Sousin Takeuchi of Jimyo-in Temple, Koyasan, who contributed much of the calligraphy for the book, will share his profound spiritual wisdom on the meaning of kotodama and the practice of Shodo(Japanese calligraphy).
  • Hitomi Takeuchi, a tea ceremony master, will perform a traditional tea ceremony, explaining the profound meaning of wakei-seijyaku associated with this ancient practice.
  • Kiyo Yamamoto, our invaluable business partner and translator of Kotodama of Scent into Japanese, will be our translator for the day.

We will also launch the Kokoro collection, a collection of five stunning essential oil blends; possibly my best creations ever, that embody the kotodama of my most favourite Japanese words in the book – kokoro, ikigai, kintsugi, natsukashi and wabi sabi.

Can't attend in-person?

Free Online Launch

Take part in this special event virtually.

On Sunday 18th May we will be streaming the Brisbane event LIVE.

As Reverend Daiko Matsuyama, Deputy Head Priest of Taizo-in Temple, Kyoto, says:

"Salvatore's ambitious and innovative experiment of combining kotodama with scent is a remarkable endeavour. I hope that through Kotodama of Scent, people around the world can gain a deeper appreciation for the complex and rich worldview that Japan has cultivated."